Who We Are
We are Michael and Kristen – a married couple who is learning how to live, love and work together. We got married in 2008 and can truly say we are best friends – we love spending time together in both work, life and play. Our kids (Ana and Luca) are the biggest blessing we have ever experienced and we love them more than words can express. We are always looking for ways to be able to spend more time with our kids and be the best parents we can be. We are Christians and strive to put Christ first in all we do.
Our Business Story
Michael is a CPA and became the owner of an accounting firm in 2016. Kristen worked in the office as the admin for the first year. The first 4 months of owning the firm were very stressful and crazy busy for us. We describe them as being in pure survival mode. We were working crazy hours (Michael around 90 and Kristen 40-50 per week) and basically lived at the office. The hidden blessing during this time was that our kids (who were 3 years old and 4 months old) came to the office with us. Even though it was sometimes chaotic, it was special to be able to spend that time together as a family. Now Kristen mostly works from home. Our passion is to grow online businesses that will allow us to spend more time together as a family.
Why We Blog
You are the reason we blog! We are excited to share our story with you and hope you will join us as we share what we learn. We also want to encourage couples who are working together or want to work together in a business, as well as encourage couples working together towards accomplishing their personal life goals. We often hear negative comments about working in a business together as a couple and honestly, not a lot of positives – which we think is kind of sad. We feel that working together has the potential to take marriage to a deeper and more intimate level.
We are definitely not perfect and have so much to learn and grow towards. We want to share our real life journey with you – the good, bad, messy and pretty. Please keep in mind that we are not psychologists, counselors or therapists. We are simple Soulmates and Workmates learning how to live life to the fullest – together! Join us as we share about starting and growing an online business as a couple, managing family, and growing our marriage!